Once harvested, the olives are placed in crates of different sizes and transported to the mill. Here they are weighed in order to have a crop estimate. The time between the olive harvest and their processing in the mill is another element, among the many in play, which affect the quality of the oil and its ability to preserve its properties over time. Like all fruits, even the olive “breathes” during storage, with the development of heat there is a progressive consumption of the benefits of the polyphenols. The only way to minimize this harmful process is to transport the olives to the mill and crush the olives as soon as possible. Our oil mill is able to manage high incoming olive flows so for this reason that it can guarantee the beginning of the processing phase no later than 24 hours from harvest. Furthermore, before the processing, we make sure that the olives are not bruised, moldy or shriveled and have been transported and stored away in crates to shelter from rain and to allow the olives a minimum “suffocation” and a maximum ventilation. This first stage of storage is very important among the phases of the production of extra virgin olive oil, because it preserves the olives from being spoiled by temperature peaks and mold.